The First Baptist Church Legacy Fund provides members and friends the opportunity to make charitable gifts that become part of a permanent fund to support ministries, growth, and opportunities for others to worship, grow, and serve long into the future. The Legacy Fund exists because we believe in our future, we believe in wise stewardship, we believe that all we have is from God, and we believe that He goes ahead of us, even into future generations. 


Christian stewardship is a life long process of establishing a healthy relationship with money and possessions. Legacy Giving allows that life long practice of stewardship to extend into future generations as a blessing to our children and to those who will come after us. 

When you make a Legacy gift to benefit First Baptist Church through a bequest in your will, retirement assets, life insurance, real estate, or an income producing gift, you let others know how much you value the work and results of the ministries of First Baptist. The future of First Baptist Church's ministries will continue to flourish as a blessing to our members and our community because of your wise stewardship, generosity, and willingness to participate in our future growth and ministry.

Planned Gift Opportunities

  • A simple way to give to the church is to include the church in your will with a gift of a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate.

  • More info coming soon.

  • Often, families have paid-up life insurance polices that were originally taken out to cover mortgage expenses or pay for college. If these reasons are no longer an issue, a paid-up insurance policy can be a wonderful way to make a gift to the church. The tax deduction is equal to the replacement value or the donor's cost in the policy, whichever is less. The church will have the option of retaining the policy or taking the current cash surrender value. 

    Donors may also make a significant deferred gift to the church by designating First Baptist as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. 

  • A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) can allow for "bunching" donations together to pay the donations over several years, which may allow the donor to reduce their tax liability. The DAF can also be used to establish a "legacy of giving" for a person or family that extends beyond an individual's lifetime support of the church. Additionally, using a DAF allows the donor to remain anonymous, if preferred. 

  • A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) can be used to satisfy all or part of an annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from a tax deferred account. The QCD allows for a tax free donation from an IRA, 401k, 457b, etc. for the donor. The donation will pass from the donor's IRA administrator directly to the charitable organization.

  • Transfers of stocks or mutual funds may be made directly from your brokerage account to First Baptist Church. These gifts are tax deductible at the full market value subject to some limitations. The gain is not subject to taxation since the appreciated securities are being donated to charity.

  • More info coming soon.

  • A gift of real estate will generate a tax deduction for the full appraised fair-market value. Like securities, the capital gain is not taxable to the donor or the church. Donors who prefer to give a gift of real estate to the church at some future date can set up a "retained life estate" whereby they designate ownership of their home to the church but retain occupancy during their lifetime.

  • One can make a gift of personal property to First Baptist Church to help support the mission and ministries of the church. Items can include antiques, works of art, coin or stamp collections, as well as other valuable assets. These items are generally taxed at a higher capital gains rate if sold. However, they are generally tax-deductible at their base cost and not their fair-market value.

  • A lead trust can be established to provide income to the church for a specified term of years. After the term of years, the assets in the trust revert back to the donor or the donor's heirs. Cash, securities, and some types of real estate can be used to fund the trust. There is no income tax deduction for this type of gift, but there is an estate tax savings. 

  • A Charitable Remainder Trust provides an income benefit to the donor and a gift to the church after a specified time period or at the time of the donor's death. 

  • A charitable gift annuity provides the donor with an immediate tax deduction and a fixed income for life. Upon the death of the donor, the corpus of the annuity goes to the designated charitable beneficiary. 

Make a Gift

For more information on our Legacy Fund and the many ways you can participate, please contact the church by phone (812-877-2354) or by email, using the button below.

Legacy Fund Contact

NOTE: The purpose of this webpage is to provide general gift giving information. Terre Haute First Baptist is not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or tax advisory assistance or advisory service. Indiana state laws govern wills, trusts, and charitable gifts given in a contractual agreement. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of an attorney or other professional adviser should be obtained.