Tithes & Offerings

The ministry and mission of First Baptist Church depends on the generosity of our community. We believe that all our resources are a gift from God, and each of us are called to steward them faithfully and responsibly. Tithes and offerings are an opportunity for us to return a portion of the resources that God has given to us. Whether it is a one time donation, a recurring donation, or donations to designated funds, your generosity helps make it possible for the ministry God is doing through First Baptist to happen. 

There are several ways you can make a donation:  

  • Through the FBC website. Directly from our website, you can give now or schedule a recurring donation using your credit card or bank account.  


  • Through the Church Center app. Download the app to give now or schedule a recurring donation using your credit card or bank account.  

Download the Church Center app: Apple Devices | Android Devices

  • Through your bank. Many banks will allow you to schedule a donation directly to FBC.  

  • During the Sunday Worship Service. For you convenience, we pass an offering plate during the worship service where you can physically give your tithes and offerings.  

Legacy Gifts

At First Baptist, everything that we do is done in the hope of building a better future for ourselves, our children, and our community that is defined by our prayer of, "your kingdom come, your will be done, as earth as it is in heaven." Legacy Gifts allow us to invest in God's kingdom work beyond ourselves and provide means for ministry beyond our years. We encourage you to take a moment to complete our Legacy Gift Questionnaire below. This will help us as we assess our long-term giving and endowment plans and continue to build a firm foundation for ministry for future generations at First Baptist Church.