Welcome to the First Baptist Church Children's Ministry! We value the importance of discipleship at every age and strive to help our children follow Christ at every age. We also believe that parents play a huge role in this, so we want to partner with you in every way to help equip you to lead and disciple your children at home. 

Children's programming for kids in Grade School and Preschool and nursery services are available during the Sunday Worship Service and during our Sunday Connection Groups.  Mission Kids, a program for elementary age children, meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30PM.  

    • Wednesday Nights: Mission Journey Kids

      Birth - 5th Grade | 6:30 - 7:30PM

      Through play, art, music, videos, & stories, our children will be learning about missions happening around the world and missions that our kids can do right here in our own community. We hope to develop a love of serving joyfully while sharing Christ. 

    • Sunday Mornings: Worship & Groups

      Birth - 5th Grade | 9:30 - 11:30AM

      We invite our children into worship with our entire church family at 9:30AM. During our service, our kids are invited to come forward for the Children's Story. They then move back to age divided classes for Bible Study for the rest of the worship service. After worship, during our Connection Group Hour, we provide age appropriate classes for children of all ages. 

    • First Sunday's

      On the first Sunday of each month, we invite our children to stay in the worship service for the entire hour. We do this so that they are present for Communion and because we value highly children getting to worship with their families. We want our kids to learn the traditions of our worship and we celebrate and value their presence in our worship services greatly. 

    Sunday Curriculum Online

    In case you miss a Sunday, want to see what our kids are watching, or just want to watch the videos from this week again, our Sunday morning videos and songs are available online.  



    (Includes Story Lab)

    Watch on Youtube


    (Includes So & So Show)

    Watch on Youtube